How to Teach a Cat to Shake Hands?

How to Teach a Cat to Shake Hands?

In this guide, we’ll explore how to teach a cat to shake hands, step-by-step, ensuring a positive and enjoyable training process for both you and your cat.

Teaching a cat to shake hands is a fun and rewarding experience that strengthens your bond with your feline friend.

While cats are known for their independence, they can learn tricks just like dogs with patience and the right approach.

Why Teach a Cat to Shake Hands?

How to Teach a Cat to Shake Hands?

Before diving into the steps to teach a cat to shake hands, it’s essential to understand why this trick can be beneficial.

Training a cat not only offers mental enrichment but also deepens the connection between you and your feline companion.

By teaching your cat to shake hands, you’re engaging their mind, encouraging good behavior, and offering an opportunity for positive interaction.

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Preparing for Training

Choose the Right Environment

Creating a conducive environment is crucial when you want to teach a cat to shake hands. Ensure the training area is quiet and free from distractions. This helps your cat focus on learning the new trick without being sidetracked.

Gather Necessary Supplies

To effectively teach a cat to shake hands, you’ll need a few supplies:

  • Treats: Opt for small, delectable treats that your cat adores. Treats will serve as positive reinforcement during training.
  • Clicker: A clicker can be a useful tool for marking the exact moment your cat performs the desired action.
  • Patience: Training a cat requires patience and consistency. Be prepared to spend several short sessions over a few weeks to achieve the desired result.

Steps to Teach a Cat to Shake Hands

How to Teach a Cat to Shake Hands?

Step 1: Get Your Cat Comfortable

Before you teach a cat to shake hands, ensure your cat is comfortable with you handling their paws. Spend a few days gently touching and holding your cat’s paws, rewarding them with treats for staying calm.

Step 2: Introduce the Clicker

If you’re using a clicker, introduce it to your cat by clicking and immediately giving them a treat. This helps your cat associate the clicker sound with positive reinforcement.

Step 3: Encourage Paw Lifting

Keep a treat in your hand and allow your cat to sniff it. Slowly move the treat above your cat’s head and towards their shoulder.

This movement often causes the cat to lift their paw. When your cat lifts their paw, click the clicker and give them a treat.

Step 4: Add the Cue Word

Once your cat consistently lifts their paw for the treat, introduce the verbal cue “shake.” Say “shake” just before your cat lifts their paw, then click and treat. This helps your cat associate the action with the verbal cue.

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Step 5: Practice and Reinforce

Continue practicing the “shake” command, gradually increasing the time your cat holds their paw in the air before receiving the treat. Consistent practice and positive reinforcement are key to successfully teaching a cat to shake hands.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Cat Isn’t Interested in Treats

If your cat isn’t motivated by treats, try using a favorite toy or affection as a reward. Some cats respond better to playtime or petting than food.

Cat Is Too Distracted

Make sure the training area is calm and devoid of any distractions. Training sessions should be short, around 5-10 minutes, to keep your cat’s attention focused.

The Cat Is Scared or Anxious

If your cat seems scared or anxious, take a break and try again later. Never force your cat to participate in training. Patience and a calm demeanor are crucial when you teach a cat to shake hands.

The Benefits of Teach a Cat to Shake Hands

How to Teach a Cat to Shake Hands?

Teaching your cat tricks like shaking hands offers several benefits:

  • Mental Stimulation: Learning new tricks keeps your cat’s mind active and engaged.
  • Strengthened Bond: Training sessions provide quality time for you and your cat, strengthening your relationship.
  • Positive Behavior: Teaching tricks can reduce unwanted behaviors by providing an outlet for your cat’s energy.

Advanced Training Tips

Use a Target Stick

A target stick can be a useful tool to teach a cat to shake hands. Guide your cat’s paw to touch the stick and reward them, gradually introducing the “shake” command.

Incorporate Clicker Training

Clicker training can enhance your cat’s learning process. The clicker sound marks the exact moment your cat performs the desired action, making it easier for them to understand what you’re asking.

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Be Consistent

Consistency is key when training any animal. Use the same verbal cue and hand signal every time you ask your cat to shake hands. Consistent reinforcement helps your cat learn faster.

Celebrating Success

Rewarding Your Cat

Celebrate your cat’s success by offering their favorite treats, extra playtime, or affection. Positive reinforcement is essential to encourage your cat to continue performing the trick.

Sharing the Achievement

Once your cat masters the shake hands trick, share the achievement with friends and family. Showing off your cat’s new skill can be a fun way to celebrate your training success.

FAQs About How to Teach a Cat to Shake Hands?

How long does it take to teach a cat to shake hands?

The time it takes to teach a cat to shake hands varies. It can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on your cat’s personality and how consistently you train them.

Can older cats learn to shake hands?

Yes, older cats can learn to shake hands. Age is not a barrier to training, although older cats might take a bit longer to learn compared to younger ones.

What if my cat doesn’t like treats?

If your cat doesn’t respond to treats, try using a favorite toy or affection as a reward. The key is to find something your cat finds rewarding.


How to Teach a cat to shake hands, may take time and patience, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

By following these steps and maintaining a positive, consistent training approach, you can successfully teach a cat to shake hands.

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